Mohs Surgery
Wasatch Dermatology is a top provider in Ogden UT of Mohs micrographic surgery: the skin cancer procedure with the highest success rate. If you are interested or in need of Mohs surgery, call today to schedule an appointment or to learn more about the procedure.
What is Mohs Micrographic Surgery?
Dr. Frederic Mohs created Mohs micrographic surgery in the 1930s, and with years of implementation and refinement, it has become the gold standard in skin cancer treatment. This procedure is superior to other forms of minimally invasive interventions and surgical excisions because of its focus on microscopic analysis. This detection occurs during the surgery, allowing typical patients to complete the treatment with just one appointment. Mohs surgery is extremely effective when performed by a highly qualified provider who is trained in pathology and reconstructive surgery. This technique, coupled with the surgeon’s specialization in the procedure, ensures that the greatest amount of surrounding tissue is preserved without cosmetic complications.
How Does Mohs Work?
The surgery is completed in a series of stages, by removing a single, thin layer of tissue at a time. After excising the tissue, your surgeon will examine the skin for cancerous cells, repeating this process until no more cancer is detected. Once your doctor finds tissue without the presence of cancerous cells, the procedure has been completed. This eliminates any estimation of the boundaries of the cancer that is required with alternative forms of removal, since only the affected areas will be removed with Mohs. By limiting the surgery to the cancerous layers of tissue, this results in the smallest possible scar for the most visually appealing outcome. Contact Wasatch Dermatology in Ogden UT today to learn more.
Who is Mohs Right For?
Mohs has the highest cure rate for the two most prevalent skin cancers, also known as non-melanomas, including Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCCs) and Squamous Cell Carcinomas (SCCs). This procedure is effective in 99% of skin cancers that have not previously treated, and it has a 94% cure rate for recurring skin cancer that has undergone intervention. In the early stages of the surgery’s development, Mohs was not suitable for more rare, melanoma forms of skin cancer due to the difficulty in microscopic detection. However, with recent advances in immunostaining technology to highlight melanomas, Mohs has been proven as an increasingly effective treatment for these cancer cells.